Homemade Laundry Detergent
By Adam Sergott ( There's a store that I recently discovered about a block away from my house that I'm super excited about. The shop's name is Unpacked Living, and their mission is to reduce plastic waste by selling plastic-free, and bulk items that reduce our dependency on single-use plastics. Their mission aligns with my values, so I've been shopping there since I discovered them. I don't need to go over the reasons why we need to use less plastic, but even though we know how harmful the consequences of using them are, markets like Unpacked Living are in short supply....
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What is Citric Acid? We get this question A LOT since we sell Citric Acid in Bulk and plastic-free, so here's a summary It is a colorless weak organic acid. It occurs naturally in citrus fruits and  is found naturally in all citrus fruits. It's what gives lemons and limes their distinctive sour taste! In its pure form, citric acid is colorless and odorless but has a strong acidic taste. Citric acid is an organic compound naturally found in citrus fruits. Manufactured citric acid, created from a type of black mold, is one of the most common additives in the world. It...
5 Sustainable Habits To Adopt At Home
By: Kat Sarmiento Living sustainably can bring you many benefits. It can help you improve your quality of life, preserve natural resources, and protect the environment from irreversible damage. It’s no wonder why so many people are choosing sustainable lifestyles nowadays.  Surveys show that around 64% of Americans now live more sustainably than they did a few years back. Around 55% now also recycle more than before. If you haven’t started changing your consumption to live more sustainably yet, here are five sustainable habits to adopt at home. Habit 1: Use Vehicles Wisely Driving more efficiently is not just...
by Janelle Rolke @sustainablestepswithjanelle This is the seventh chapter from "Lead a Circular Lifestyle By Practicing the R's of Sustainability" By composting food waste you are naturally recycling decomposed organic materials. This process is one of the most simple ways to combat climate change, so I’ll cut right to the chase and ask you to start composting TODAY!  In the U.S. 60 billion pounds of food waste goes into landfills each year. Food scraps and other compostables that are sent to the landfill break down in an anaerobic environment (a place lacking oxygen) and create methane gas, which is 25 times worse...