News — Eco-friendly
by Janelle Rolke @sustainablestepswithjanelle This is the fourth chapter from "Lead a Circular Lifestyle By Practicing the R's of Sustainability" Reuse (Repurpose & Upcycle!) Instead of chucking it all into the trash or recycling, try using things more than once to extend the item's life. Reuse a jar as a flower vase, turn old socks into sock puppets, transform a wood pallet into a vertical wall planter, frame an old carpet or blanket and hang as wall décor, or make a tablecloth into curtains.  Transition from single use items to reusable options to reduce waste and save money! Typically, you will find...
From disposable cameras to disposable diapers, few products marketed to consumers are made to last. We live in an age where everything gets thrown away and technology is obsolete after a few months, but what many consumers don't realize is that this throw-away lifestyle comes with a high cost not only to our finances but to the planet. Not only is your wallet continuously emptied as your limited supply of dollars chases an endless supply of new and updated products, but there is also an environmental price to pay for consumerism. Constant manufacturing of new and unnecessary products uses up virgin...